Gospel Meeting Topics
Old Truths for a New World
The Lowest Spot on Earth, the formation of the Dead Sea
The Lowest Spot on Earth, part 2 why the Dead Sea was formed & what it means for us
Is There Any Like You on the Earth?, Job & how we can also stand out from all around us
No Guilt in Life, No Fear in Death, Daniel & the Lion’s Den; His 3 Friends & the Fiery Furnace
Why Isn’t God Changing My Situation?, Jonah, God’s use of the Ninevites to change His prophet
The Story of My Life, the story of Asaph, “Who I was, Who I am, & Who I will be”
Our Gospel Message Presenter
Our guest speaker is Derek Yarber from Lebanon, Missouri. Derek attended the Bible Institute of Missouri and attends worship at the Conway church of Christ. He is married to Vanessa, and they are the parents of three young children. Derek will join us in sharing six messages concerning Old Truths for a New World.