Explore the Armor of God in Ephesians 6:15, and the spiritual need to have our feet shod for the gospel of peace, prepared to teach and stand firm in faith!
Learn how Elijah serves as an example of boldness for God as he faced Israel over idol worship proclaiming truth in the face of peril and how we can be bold in the faith.
The fragrance of the gospel is the scent of faith in our lives. Learn how when we live right before God our living sacrifice is a sweet savor to the Lord.
Jesus Christ is our example. He is who we are to follow in all things. 1 Peter 2:21-27 We are called to Christ-likedness. We are to follow the example and…
Podcast: Monday Morning Wake Up with Jack McNiel Episode 9 - Those Who Have Never Heard Scriptures referenced in this podcast. John 14:6 Hebrews 11:6 John 8:24 Romans 10:17 2…
Podcast: Monday Morning Wake Up with Jack McNiel Episode 8 - Semper Paratus! Scriptures referenced in this podcast. 1 Peter 3:15 2 Timothy 2:15 John 17:17 Be Always-Ready to defend…
Podcast: Monday Morning Wake Up with Jack McNiel Episode 1 - The Foolishness of Preaching Scriptures referenced in this podcast. Romans 1:18-22 Psalms 14:1 1 Corinthians 1:18-31 Don't let the…
Up to this point, the gospel had been somewhat limited in its outreach. It had spread throughout Judea, Galilee and Samaria, Acts 9:31. But other than the Samaritans (who were…
Discover why the gospel is perfect, powerful, and why it's the only way to bring about salvation. Explore the scriptures through this sermon to find out more.